Tuesday, August 4, 2009

From today's Phillyist...

"Once again, we sampled a lot of food and wine, and there were two standouts from the Market. First was Princeton's FunniBonz Barbeque Sauce, a "Jersey-style" (whatever that means) sauce. It reminded us most of Memphis-style barbeque, and it was absolutely delicious. Hell, it made frozen meatballs taste homemade. When we mentioned to Funnibonz co-founder Jim Barbour that the only thing we really use barbeque sauce for is spareribs (as we tend to be more dry-rub barbeque fans), Barbour told us that ribs are exactly what his sauce was developed for. Sold. We went for two jars of the "spicy" variety, which has a very clean start and a nice, subtle kick on the back end. We can't wait to fire up the grill for this stuff."

Click HERE to read the rest of this article.

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